Yoga for Everyone.
There is yoga for everyone, finding your way in, yourself, is all part of the practice. A class for everyone, which can be done every day!
Roots of Yoga.
Back to basics; plant firm roots to grow green shoots for your practice. Learn the foundation and building blocks of correct alignment and master the engineering of the postures. Break down the flow, the sun salute, step by step, known as "vinyasa"
Dismantle the Shoulders
Loosen the structure of tight shoulders. Using Qi Gong technique, swirl your sword in the densely compact forest, to make a clearing for the New Year to emerge. Greet its new arrival with broad shoulders and an open heart.
Strengthen your Core
Power up the abdominals, your centre and HQ, to feel strong and centred as the end of the year approaches. You will find muscles you didn't know were there to support your structure!
Open the Hips.
Working all around the hip structure, to find space and openness in these primary joints. It will relieve lower back pain and ease leg movement as a secondary benefit, as well as unlocking emotional memory. Options for intermediate and advances postures.
Yoga from the Inside Out.
Discover your inner landscape practising yoga through feel, using a blindfold. You will locate your central axis, from which to move out and trust. Experience the grounding of the earth beneath and aspiring reach of the stretch above, simultaneously.
Solar practice
Summer Solstice month, the longest and lightest day. Preparing the headstand, to reflect the world moving through hemispheres, turning on its axis. Safe alignment, to turn upside down, onto our heads, mastering the art of inversion.
Warrior Yoga.
Safe, strong technique and alignment for the Warrior postures. Warriors are the searchers of truth, in yoga mythology, searching for what is authentic, inside. Become comfortable, confident, in your skin. Embrace your warrior.
Heart Opening
In the winter season, like bare trees, we too shed our layers and foliage, becoming exposed, to reveal the kernal/heart centre. It is part of the natural cycle, making room for the new growth of spring. Anahata Chakra (sanskrit) or what Yeats calls "the deep heart's core".
Spring Clean
Time to shed our winter skin and cleanse the system, exploring twists and their effects of detoxification, gut health and organ polishing. It's the time of year to clean out the cupboards, dust the shelves and shine the windows, preparing to welcome the summer sunshine.
Arm Sculpt
Sculpt the arms and upper body, using weights, without adding bulk, to be lithe and strong with definition.
Earth Yoga
Working with the gravitational pull of the earth, staying low to the ground. An organic and naturalistic approach, utilising Qi Gong and Feldenkrais sequences to ground ourselves and feel at home in our bodies.
Seasonal Change Breathing
Breath work for the change of seasons and consciousness. The external heat of summer dies, making way for darker, wintery months, which is often reflected in our spirits. Breath techniques and yoga sequences to access all dimensions of the front, side and back lungs, to create internal heat and harness our life force.
As we burrow deep into Autumn, our focus is on "Base" training; building up the layers which are unseen or below ground, such as the power and endurance of our roots / legs. Despite the landscape looking bare and days darkening, essential seeds are in the ground, preparing to thrust above the surface next Spring. Autumn in the holistic calendar is often considered spring; vital preparation for growth.
30 Minute Yoga
When you only have time for the essentials!
Leg Power
Find new muscles in your legs you didn't know existed! Using hand weights, balances and weight transfers, we ignite and condition the powerful leg muscles. Strong legs are essential for the support of the spine and joints.
Gorgeous Glutes
Condition the accessory gluteus muscles by holding the legs at all sorts of challenging angles. This will help support your back and corset, as well as shaping your behind.
Opening the Side or Lateral body:
Toning and strengthening sequences work to sculpt the side seams and feel lithe like a Willow tree. These actions are the best remedy to relieve compression and discomfort in the lower back, whilst strengthening legs for support.
20 minute New Year Flow
Cleanse the old year from your system, releasing what you no longer need to carry with you. The Qi Gong Flow aids the process of physical and emotional digestion, to reset for the new year.
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